The Matrix of DancePhilosopher

Dance is an experience defined by certain tasks and expressed in a mental form. Dance is a quality that consists of either rest (if the body is in a static state) or motion (if the body is in a dynamic state). Dance is characterized by externally expressed positions and movements, it cannot be examined as a random or spontaneous position or movement because it is strictly directed at a certain mental work. It is always holistic, and in its entirety, it is based on a certain matrix.


Sufi YogaPhilosopher

The grass and the trees, the rocks and the fields, everything that announces and anticipates, everything that can be seen as One, is Alif. The station Ba is separation after unity (tafrika). Each true doctrine has a form that draws us ever nearer to the understanding of the soul. The station Jim is a space that collects and forms a unity.
