Laboratory of DevelopmentPerson

Laboratory of Development is a project based on the experience I’ve been gathering for 35 years studying the knowledge systems, practices and doctrines of the basic ethnic groups all over the world. The practice base thus developed is in fact a method for human improvement and development.


Belly dance – the art of livingPerson

The dance is a form of filling up for women. This is  the art of living of the feminine principle, because the woman can only live in  the actions that fill her up. The actions that don't fill up the woman, on the  contrary, exhaust her both physically and spiritually.


The teacher and the student. A private opinion on a general questionPerson

This topic is, I’d say, more important for me (as well as for those who teach others) than for you. Having written an article entitled "The teacher and the student", where, first of all, I demonstrated the conditions which characterize the relationship of the teacher and the student, and having received many questions related to this article, I decided to continue the topic. And since the questions were addressed mainly to me personally, I will actually continue to speculate on this topic from the perspective of my own experience.

Institute for The Development of Man

The Way of WomenPerson

The question of understanding or defining the idea that forms a kind of consequential understanding of women from the perspective of their development or life, can not be declarative by nature, or, indeed, purely argumentative by nature for two fundamental reasons. Because the main problem when we consider the question of women lies, first of all, in the emotional perception, and secondly - in the ad-hoc behavior of society towards women.


Geometry of the BodyPerson

The inability, incompetence and unwillingness of contemporary Man to work on himself is typical not only for those who do nothing but also for the ones who are engaged in something. Development requires a genuine understanding of what you do and a genuine result. And the genuine result is the internal satisfaction from the process.


The practitioner: The difference between the first and the second levelPerson

One of the basic problems for the practitioner is related to the fact that the beginner does not focus his attention on where he might be in the nearest future. He is in a state of expectation, thinking that things will naturally clarify themselves, they will come naturally. As a result, he is not simply incapable of moving ahead, but disguised under new ‘garment’ his old problems get reinforced and he starts actually moving backwards.


The Muscular SystemPerson

The muscular system in the Taoist tradition is related to the concept of the Alchemical body. The muscular system is in fact the whole body. In the modern world this system is — from the very beginning — subjected to unsystematic and unnecessary (above all for the system itself) development both by the people who strive for physical development, and by those who neglect it completely.


Mistakes of the people engaged in inner practicesPerson

Today, when the concept of development is determined in different ways by different people, when development is defined by those who aren’t actually engaged in it, it’s really hard to instill in people the need to understand what development is exactly, instead of getting engaged in it without the proper preparation.



Skin system is a complex and organised system that first of all depends on the circulation of energy in the lungs and depth of breathing. I.e. in essence from the effort we have during breathing we can tell about properties and quality of skin.



A student is, first and foremost, a condition for development, and second – a definition for a man who believes he possesses the qualities of a student. However, whereas the first is independent or scarcely dependent on the person, the second is a developed condition which combines the learning experience with the ability to learn.

Institute for The Development of Man

Brainless means unfocusedPerson

Unless our mind is focused, we cannot develop our body symmetrically since the energy is not distributed evenly. The focus of the consciousness is determined either by its total suspension or the development of an interlocking effort. In fact – although this may sound a bit offensive for the ones who work on developing their brain – in terms of energetic indicators, for the body the state of not-thinking is equivalent to the state of thinking. In other words, ‘Brainless’ is either the person who has not learned how to think normally or the person who is being distracted from the state of not-thinking by certain thoughts.


Body PartsPerson

Originally a human body is one whole mechanism that relies on specific rhythm of breathing (put there by innate internal proportion of a human that is a measure of breathing) and a specific measure of movement (coming from external proportions that are regulated by hands, legs, head and tummy-single source of nutrition).


Structure of Daoist BodyPerson


Mistakes of Taiji Quan PractitionersPerson

Most of taiji practitioners think that they have got a result by remembering sequences and movement in the form or by feeling confidence in their movements looking like movements of great masters. In reality this doesn’t mean at all that a practitioner does not make mistakes. Mistakes can be separated in to mental, physical and energetic. Here are some of them.


Foundation of Practical MethodsPerson

Practical Methods is based on 7 major aspects.

Ток-шоу Гуру

Five Main Ways of LearningPerson

We can define five main ways of learning: group practices, individual session, master classes, seminars and workshops. Regardless of what format we pick to teach a person we should keep his individuality. This means to point a person primarily to look at oneself. To make that happen it is necessary to follow how does the practitioner focuses during classes, how one concentrates.

Institute for The Development of Man

Problematic Points of LearnersPerson

In practical methods we can reveal problematic points and zones for learners. Regardless of what kind of collective education and how we direct it – from a position of a host, instructor, master or a teacher, we should always understand that no matter how many people there are in the same space, they start to influence that space and every person brings his advantages and disadvantages. The most important in the space harmony, being in naturalness.


Knowledge Should Be Higher Than UsPerson

Often practitioners rely on a person, a human. This should be analysed. We should understand that knowledge should always be higher than us. It doesn’t matter how we call this knowledge – Daoist yoga, belly dance, or something else. The task and principals are all the same everywhere.

Ток-шоу Гуру Institute for The Development of Man

Alchemy of TuishouPerson

More and more people realize that martial arts are not about random fighting but are above all discipline, strategy and tactics, in other words martial arts are related to inner work. Tui shou (Chinese for ‘pushing hands’), initially known as jie shou or da shou, is a practice developed to the highest degree by the Chinese art of Taiji quan. However Tui shou is essentially much deeper and broader than a simple set of exercises or techniques for applying taiji quan, as it is sometimes perceived.
