
The Dantian center is a geometry concept based on the doctrine or the idea of preserving the One. The One or the unified center is a geometric center and the largest part of the circulating energy passes through it.



Synchronization is the level of practice, which is characterized by the notion of axis. In reality, this is the Doctrine of Naturalness, which has its own physical basis. The first condition for synchronization is filling up. What is the form that should be filled up? That's the main difficulty for a person who is starting to practice, because he needs to understand what is really hampering his development.


Body PartsPerson

Originally a human body is one whole mechanism that relies on specific rhythm of breathing (put there by innate internal proportion of a human that is a measure of breathing) and a specific measure of movement (coming from external proportions that are regulated by hands, legs, head and tummy-single source of nutrition).


The Palace of the Great Lord (Tai Huan Gong 太皇宫)Master

The palace of The Great Lord (Tai Huan Gong) is situated in the forehead region and corresponds with the frontal lobes of the brain. This Palace determines regulation, rate of development of a human body and is directly responsible for building operations of the body. This is a supporting Palace but it has significant capabilities.
