Online workshop «The Body Palaces»

Date: 20/02/2021
Address: ZOOM

The doctrine of the Palaces is an ancient knowledge centered around integral alchemy method. Based on this knowledge, certain areas of the body were considered to have high vibration characteristics. Therefore, the structure of the body was represented by the concept of Temple which is composed of different Palaces. This knowledge originated from Vedic medicine and was brought into the Khmer Empire.

The system of knowledge was known as the palaces of the Great Bliss or Great Bhava and was regarded as a source for cultivating perfection.  For the realization of the Khmer anatomy, it is important to activate all twelve Palaces of the Great Bliss (bhava).

The concept of anatomy embodies a pattern of the macrocosm with its twelve constellations or Rashi. In the human body, the Rashis are represented in the form of twelve levels of conscious manifestation. Consciousness is present in places of manifestation of life power in the body which are called Grahas. Each Graha is connected to the bone marrow and, consequently, to one of the bones in the body.

The 12 Grahas express diverse possibilities of consciousness. The duodecimal view of the anatomy of the body comes from the comprehension of the structures of consciousness in different parts of the body. That is, from the point of view of bodily anatomy, the most fundamental thing is development of consciousness.


  • We recommend to subscribe to the Dao Tantra Alchemy channel to stay updated. You can send your questions until 12th February.
  • We would like to remind that we won’t be able to provide recordings of the session.


First level of Palaces (celestial level)

The first ganna/ The highest level of Palaces. Sacred bones capable of healing the next morning.

  • The first Palace. Location in the body — the head (scull). Foundation of the primary activity of a person.
  • The second Palace. Location in the body — nose bridge, nasal bone, frontal bone, temporal bone, cheeks.  This bhava penetrates and determines the activity of the first bhava, corresponds to graha of Nadi. This graha represents abilities and possibility to get insights into things.
  • The third Palace — it is a mental effort inherent in karma. Associated with Graha Mahendra — a constant influence on our lives. Body area — neck, cervical vertebrae, throat.
  • The fourth Palace. Supports our karmic essence. Body area  — clavicles, shoulder, shoulder blade.
  • The fifth Palace. Location. Location in the body — elbows. Here is situated consciousness which supports fourth and sixth Palaces.
  • The sixth Palace. Protector and limiter of our space. Dimension of strength. Connected to the Raja (Raju) Graha. Body area — palms.
The second level of Palaces (human level)

Sacred bones capable of healing the next morning.

  • The seventh Palace — distracting us from our I (Maitrim graha). This bhava includes emotions and what is displayed in terms of feelings. Body area — sternum, ribs, heart, lungs, diaphragm.
  • The eight Palace — place and source of transformation, which supports or changes our Self (Vasya graha). It transmits experience for evolution and spiritual growth. Connection to the bone marrow. Body area — spine.
  • The ninth Palace — place of principles and secrecy towards higher knowledge. Yoni graha. The area in the body is the pubic bone.
The third level of Palaces (sacred level)

This bone is capable of revival in 24 years.

  • The tenth Palace  — foundation of the body.  The source of sacred anatomy. Body area — pelvis, sacrum, thigh.
  • The eleventh Palace  is connected to the acquisition  of additional energy and realization. Stri-Dirgha graha. Body area — knee.
  • The twelfth Palace  is associated with what is lost, is gone. This includes what can capture and conquer us. Vedha graha. Body area — foot, lower leg.


Date Time (GMT+3)
6, 13, 20 February (Saturday) 07:00—08:00
7, 14 February (Sunday) 14:30—15:30


One day 3 000
The whole program 10 000
  • The price is in Rubles.

How to participate

  • Pre-register on and download the ZOOM program to your computer and / or download and install the ZOOM application on your phone.
  • Upon payment we will send an e-mail with a link for the conference.
  • Please check the correctness of the specified email! If email is incorrect, you will not be able to receive the login information.
  • If you have not received an email with a password to enter the conference, please check the "Spam" folder. Access can also be requested in the CHOM & INBI online telegram group: technical support by attaching a payment confirmation.
  • We kindly ask you to connect 15 minutes before the start of the conference to check the connection, sound and image.
  • Contact the event organizer: e-mail


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