Brainless means unfocusedPerson

Unless our mind is focused, we cannot develop our body symmetrically since the energy is not distributed evenly. The focus of the consciousness is determined either by its total suspension or the development of an interlocking effort. In fact – although this may sound a bit offensive for the ones who work on developing their brain – in terms of energetic indicators, for the body the state of not-thinking is equivalent to the state of thinking. In other words, ‘Brainless’ is either the person who has not learned how to think normally or the person who is being distracted from the state of not-thinking by certain thoughts.


Body PartsPerson

Originally a human body is one whole mechanism that relies on specific rhythm of breathing (put there by innate internal proportion of a human that is a measure of breathing) and a specific measure of movement (coming from external proportions that are regulated by hands, legs, head and tummy-single source of nutrition).


The Palace of the Great Lord (Tai Huan Gong 太皇宫)Master

The palace of The Great Lord (Tai Huan Gong) is situated in the forehead region and corresponds with the frontal lobes of the brain. This Palace determines regulation, rate of development of a human body and is directly responsible for building operations of the body. This is a supporting Palace but it has significant capabilities.


Structure of Daoist BodyPerson


Properties of TastePerson

Taste is a basic property of activity of the consciousness-the perception, actions-their quality. Taste in the context of food is one of the different kinds of biomechanical reactions, perceived by the receptors of the tongue and the mucus of the mouth.


Mistakes of Taiji Quan PractitionersPerson

Most of taiji practitioners think that they have got a result by remembering sequences and movement in the form or by feeling confidence in their movements looking like movements of great masters. In reality this doesn’t mean at all that a practitioner does not make mistakes. Mistakes can be separated in to mental, physical and energetic. Here are some of them.


Foundation of Practical MethodsPerson

Practical Methods is based on 7 major aspects.

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Five Main Ways of LearningPerson

We can define five main ways of learning: group practices, individual session, master classes, seminars and workshops. Regardless of what format we pick to teach a person we should keep his individuality. This means to point a person primarily to look at oneself. To make that happen it is necessary to follow how does the practitioner focuses during classes, how one concentrates.

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Problematic Points of LearnersPerson

In practical methods we can reveal problematic points and zones for learners. Regardless of what kind of collective education and how we direct it – from a position of a host, instructor, master or a teacher, we should always understand that no matter how many people there are in the same space, they start to influence that space and every person brings his advantages and disadvantages. The most important in the space harmony, being in naturalness.


Knowledge Should Be Higher Than UsPerson

Often practitioners rely on a person, a human. This should be analysed. We should understand that knowledge should always be higher than us. It doesn’t matter how we call this knowledge – Daoist yoga, belly dance, or something else. The task and principals are all the same everywhere.

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First Law of Education – Do Not DisturbMaster

When a person comes to you to practice firstly you should consider – do you need him in your practices? Maybe it’s best to advise him to go to another group, to prepare, and then come to you…

Ток-шоу Гуру Institute for The Development of Man

The BloodMaster

The seed of father and the blood of mother define our existence in space of our physical nature. Blood is the main source of nourishment for the brain. Our feelings experiences and emotions depend on our blood circulation. But most importantly the ability of the body to capture the process of energy breathing depends on the state of ones blood.
